@article{oai:tokoha-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00001342, author = {谷口, 茂謙 and TANIGUCHI, Shigenori}, issue = {37}, journal = {常葉大学教育学部紀要, Tokoha University Faculty of Education research review}, month = {Mar}, note = {This study examines how a PBL class in a Japanese college will be improved by introducing the framework of debate. In this class, the students work on a project of making a short motion picture. Initially, they are divided into several small groups and make a plan for their motion picture. After the first plan is finished, each group shows it to one another and opinions are exchanged. Although the discussion is conducted in a favorable relaxed atmosphere, the exchange does not necessarily lead to a deeper level of discourse. To improve the present situation, the introduction of the framework of debate into the class is suggested. In this way, students do not have a typical debate but talk in the debate framework. Two groups are combined, and, at first, state to each other that the other group’s plan is superior to their own. After that, they switch their standpoint and state their own plan’s superiority. This suggestion of improvement is based on the theory of performance studies. The expected effect of this improvement idea is considered in detail.}, pages = {317--328}, title = {Project Based Learningを導入した授業の改善に関する一考察-パフォーマンス学の視点から-}, year = {2017}, yomi = {タニグチ, シゲノリ} }