@article{oai:tokoha-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00001288, author = {吉田, 広毅 and YOSHIDA, Hiroki and 谷, 誠司 and TANI, Seiji and 内田, 智子 and UCHIDA, Tomoko and 増井, 実子 and MASUI, Jitsuko and 中山, 晃 and NAKAYAMA, Akira}, issue = {33}, journal = {常葉大学外国語学部紀要, Tokoha University Faculty of Foreign Studies research review}, month = {Mar}, note = {Development of computer-mediated communication technology has enabled cooperative learning in virtual pedagogical settings. Online cooperative learning facilitates learners in a distance collaborate and achieve a common goal. However, previous studies note that learners’ personal traits such as self-efficacy and anxiety have influence on their behavior and achievements in cooperative learning. Therefore, this study purposed to identify Japanese and Korean university students’ self-efficacy and anxiety for online cooperative learning in advance of the implementation of online cooperative learning activities. Results of the study show that Korean students had significantly higher self-efficacy in utilizing computers (t (27) = 3.89, p < .01) and communicating with Japanese (t (27) = 2.42, p< .05) compared with Japanese students, while there was not a significant difference in participants’ online learning self-efficacy (t (27) = 0.13, .05n.s.). Furthermore,Japanese students had higher computer anxiety (t (27) = 2.96, p < .01) and online learning anxiety (t (27) = 3.65, p < .01), while there was not a significant difference in communication anxiety (t (27) = 0.13, .05n.s.). Results suggest that Korean students are quite confident and are not so much anxious in using computers for learning, their achievements in online learning, and communicating with Japanese students. On the other hand, Japanese students are anxious in using computers,and are ambivalent in their achievements. Given the findings of the study, it is necessary to develop online facilitation skills that reduce specific learners’ anxiety and promote their self-efficacy in order to enhance the quality of online cooperative learning.}, pages = {13--23}, title = {交流学習における日本と韓国の語学学習者の自己効力感と学習不安の比較研究}, year = {2017}, yomi = {ヨシダ, ヒロキ and タニ, セイジ and ウチダ, トモコ and マスイ, ジツコ and ナカヤマ, アキラ} }